Institut Lope de Vega


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Institut Lope de Vega, sèvi ak metòd ki rele Kad Ewopeyen Referans Lang (CECRL) ki rekonèt entènasyonalman tankou miyò metòd aprantisaj pou lang. Se li ki pèmet evalye nivo konpetans moun nan yon lòt lang.

Li gen 6 nivo prensipal: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Kisa nivo A1 koresponn?

Nivo A1 koresponn ak yon itilizatè ki nan nivo elemantè (nivo entwodiktif oswa dekouvèt).
Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Understand and use familiar and everyday expressions and very simple statements that aim to meet concrete needsBe able to introduce yourself or someone elseBe able to ask a person questions about themselves and answer the same type of questionsCommunicate in a simple way if the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is cooperative

Kisa nivo A2 koresponn?

Nivo A2 koresponn ak yon itilizatè ki nan nivo elemantè (nivo entèmedyè oswa koutim).
Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Understand isolated phrases and frequently used expressions related to areas of daily life (e.g. simple personal and family information, shopping, work)Be able to communicate during simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine subjectsBe able to describe with simple means your education, immediate environment and evoke subjects that correspond to immediate needs

Kisa nivo B1 koresponn?

Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Understand the main points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it concerns things familiar to work, school, leisure, etc.Be autonomous in most situations encountered when traveling in a region where the target language is spokenBe able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in areas of interestBe able to tell an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly explain reasons or explanations for a project or an idea

Kisa nivo B2 koresponn?

Nivo B2 koresponn a yon nivo itilizatè endepandan (nivo avanse oswa endepandan).
Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in their field of specializationCommunicate spontaneously and fluently with a native speakerExpress yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current topic and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

Kisa nivo C1 koresponn?

Nivo C1 koresponn a yon nivo itilizatè eksperimante (nivo otònòm).
Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meaningsExpress yourself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too muchUse the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic lifeExpress yourself on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured way and demonstrate control of linguistic tools for organizing, articulating and cohesively structuring discourse

Kisa nivo C2 koresponn?

Nivo C2 koresponn a yon nivo itilizatè eksperimante (nivo mètreyiz).
Sa vle di ou gen kapasite sa yo:
Understand effortlessly almost anything that is read or heardBe able to summarize facts and arguments from various written and oral sources coherentlyExpress yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects.

Enskri w la a, pou nou ka fè w konnen depi gen nouvote ki parèt